An Early College Magnet High School 


connecticut magnet high school with diversity

Discover the strength of a diverse student body

Connecticut River Academy is an inclusive magnet school where your child will be immersed in an academic atmosphere that encourages respect, empathy, and collaboration for all. 

Not only does CTRA prepare your child for career-readiness, but our inclusive atmosphere is built into our school’s core values — awareness, diversity and action.

Illuminating individualism and motivating a multi-cultural community

By attending CTRA, your child will become an active member of a caring, cross-cultural community, find their tribe, build lasting friendships, and celebrate a keen sense of belonging.

Maybe your child wants to join an academic club, after-school-enrichment program, athletic team, or extra-curricular activity —whatever your child's unique interest, all of our scholars make meaningful memories that last a lifetime. 

From supported family involvement to college instruction and internships available while still in high school, Connecticut River Academy, a diverse magnet high school, prepares your child to find their confidence and focus on their future career. 

“CTRA has an environment where no one is left out, and it makes students happy to come in every day.”

Joe, CTRA Graduate

“At CTRA, I was not only academically challenged, but also had my ideals challenged. The school’s diversity was the most significant impact on my life. Through learning about social justice and interacting with peers from backgrounds different than my own, my education has shaped how I think and interact with the world around me today.”

CTRA scholar sitting with her hand on her chin

"At CTRA, different cultures are expressed through magnet-themed days with food, music, and more. Connecticut River Academy is inclusive, accepting of everyone's religion, and brings awareness to the LGBTQ+ community and the Black Lives Matter movement." 

“…After witnessing that CTRA was a diverse place, I knew it would be a good fit. The variety in the student body was especially crucial in our social studies classes. We talked, had debates, good discussions, and shared different perspectives respectfully.” 

Timothy, CTRA graduate


“CTRA gives you the chance to meet new people and make new friendships. All the things I have achieved in the last few years are because of this school.”

“CTRA really exposed me to the world. I’m from a really small town and it opened my eyes about different cultures. I met my two best friends on the first day, and we just connected right then and there.” 

“CTRA teachers were tuned in with the school climate and culture because they were interested in knowing who we were and who we wanted to become. Once those relationships were created and nurtured, our real learning began.”

Interested in CTRA?

Contact us!